To begin with Intelligent Design

You have Essential/ Accidental that is Unconditioned Force becoming Conditioned Mass creating a Condition.
This is NOT “two” which can be calculated in sequence as in “Heads + Tails” = Coin.
In theory that works, but in reality there is just “coin”. The heads and tails is intelligence creating a useful way of making the coin workable. Some might say and is a symbolic representation of an existing relation, and thus saying the relation is there for real. That would be sensible enough to pass for correspondence between concept-reality.
Where there is a coin, there is always heads on one side AND tails on the other. So most people will agree and find it rather obvious.

If we insert and, we have literally manipulated the inherent property of the coin by dividing it in two. This intelligent thought/response enables us to treat coin as either one coin or a coin made up of, or having, two sides. So ½+1+1= 2.5 and that gives us more to work with since we generate and add to that which is that. This is way more than just symbolic behavior in correspondence to physical reality. This is Intelligent Design. Not only have we added to what is, but we have also invented agency and ownership.

If we stop all the subjective/confused arguing and allow ourselves an objective look at what (f)actually happens, good things will come. If we connect all computational power on earth, we can figure out a lot, if not Everything. That is, the power of Organic Turing Machines.

Intelligent Design of “coin” tells us something important about our knowledge per se. Using correct math makes output ecologically valid. That’s kind of important when trying to validate the nature of reality. Or is it of greater value to protect the subjective self that is the Intelligent Designer? You will say Yes by dismissing the whole idea as pure Nonsense. I will not argue against that, but with it. I’m going forward and you will, sooner or later, catch up.

You know, we will not lose all knowledge just because we learn how it evolves. That knowing of knowing is the next big boom in evolution, and I say that as a matter of fact. We’re getting there slowly but surely, and I’m here to push the envelope. No successful step in evolution has ever gone “backwards” so no, dismantling the Self will not make us go ape. Evolution as a process is so stable there is hard to find its atonym. I didn’t find one anyway so let’s say the opposite of intelligence evolving is intelligence going ape.

Where was I? Ah, to begin with, I was at the beginning of this post, that is, The Beginning.
And here it stops
There it goes
No one knows

That is how it goes